Today, I am 60. And, my blog turns 10.

Six decades of living.

A decade of writing.

This year, my hearts desire for this milestone birthday/blogiversary post is to give each one of you a gift! And to ask you, dear reader, to give a gift away.

The idea grew inside me as I watched men and women serve my husband and I, as well as hundreds of other hotel guests, last weekend on a birthday get away. I tried to thank each employee, who I passed in the hallway, for their service. And when I did they stopped, smiled, and seemed blessed, yet completely surprised.

From our getaway weekend, I drove to Arizona to visit family and celebrate my dad, who shares my birthday. A major renovation was going on at the hotel where I stayed. For four days, I watched the work crew tearing out the old and putting in the new, in 100 plus degree weather. Each time I passed one of those hard workers, I told them they were incredible and “God bless you!”

Then, later, I saw a man re-roofing a church sanctuary. I glanced down, and my car thermometer read 108 degrees. I wished I could bring him a cool drink and yell to him, “thank you!” I was so blown away by his hard work on a scorching summer day.

So, I’ll get right to the point. My sincere, simple gift to You is to say, “THANK YOU!” Thank you so very much!

Thank you for the work and service you do each day! Thank you for the smiles you give away. The kind words you say. The encouragement you share.

Thank you for the time you take to check on someone. To listen to their story. To cheer on the weary.

Thank you for the sacrifices you make, the secret ones that nobody sees. Thank you for the love that you share. The doors you hold open. The times you are generous with your money, your gifts, and your time.

Thank you! I see you! I notice your acts of kindness. And, others do too. So, truly from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

Then, could I ask you to give someone a gift, in honor of my 60th birthday. Would you pray for the Lord to show you one person, today, who you can bless?

May I give you an example of what this could look like? At my neighborhood Starbucks, they call me their Starbucks mom. I can tell when I walk in, order and wait for my drink how they are being treated by their customers. Although their hard work never waivers as they serve each of us our coffee, tea and pastries, I can sense the mornings when some customers have been rude, mean-spirited, unappreciative and taken the baristas for granted. It takes a toll on those who serve us faithfully. And it makes this mama mad!

So may I suggest 3 ways to bless a barista or a server or a neighbor or even a stranger, today?

1) Be Thankful For Them And What They Do

2) Express Your Appreciation To Them

3) Choose Love In An Action Towards Them

This idea of regular acts of kindness, instead of just random ones, began a few years ago. One day, I decided to give each person who waited on or served me a sincere compliment. I found that that tiny gesture could bring a smile to a face, bless and brighten their day, and even completely turn a bad day or mood into a better one.

Sadly, it seems regular acts of kindness are the exception and not the rule.

So today, as I turn 60, would you accept my gift of sincere appreciation for you, my dear reader. Thank you, again! And, would you prayerfully go out and look for a way to share an act of kindness with someone who God’s puts in your path today?