What do you want for your birthday?” This is the question my dear husband has asked me all summer.


The man already took me to Palm Springs for a long, weekend getaway. A true gift from my beloved who abhors the desert heat! What more could a girl ask for, right?


Well, actually, I did plan to ask him for the newest, thinner, heart-rate-monitor Fitbit. But recently, my old one, which works perfectly fine, made my wrist have a weird tingling sensation. This freaked me out. So, I took it off, and decided to use the app on my phone instead.


Still, each time he asked me, I told him, “I don’t want anything.” And, truly, I don’t need or want a thing.


Yet, as I began to prayerfully consider what to write for my annual birthday/blog-iversary post, I decided there IS something I want! But, not from him. No, I want it from you.


In fact, I am going to be so brazen as to ask you, dear friends, if you would please give me a present for my birthday this year?


It’s simple! Really! You see the gift I want is GEMS! Rare, beautiful, precious gems of immeasurable value which sparkle like none other on the earth!


My birthday gift wish has three parts: 


1) Right now, before you read any further, would you be willing to watch this short video message to learn about the Gems, who I have fallen in love with? Please watch this short clip about these rare Gems as a birthday gift to me  


2) Would you please pray for Josh, Emma, and their precious Gems, along with their team of helpers? Please pray for these precious Gems as a birthday gift to me


3) As you pray, would you ask the Lord if He would have you help in any other way. No guilt. No pressure. Just pray and obey. Please prayerfully consider supporting these priceless Gems as a birthday gift for me


You see, I always told the Lord if I ever made money from my speaking, teaching, and writing, I would like to donate as much as possible to a ministry. Much to my surprise, this is the year that that began to happen.


God knew my heart. But little did I know, He had already begun to place the right ministry in my path. For a few years ago, I was blessed to meet Josh, who attended our church for a season. A while later, I was honored to meet Emma. Then, I watched their video at church one Sunday, after Josh had moved to Uganda and married Emma. I cried and cried as I saw the work God was doing through this remarkable young couple for special needs children in Uganda. And, I knew in the depths of my soul, this was the ministry I wanted to help support one day.



So, for my birthday this year, would you please consider my birthday gift wish? 1) Would you watch the clip and get to know these magnificent Gems?  2) Would you please pray for this precious and powerful ministry to these rare and priceless Jewels? And 3) As you pray, if the Lord leads you to help in other ways, would you hear and obey His voice today? 




Dear freinds, as I celebrate 8 years of blogging and 58 years of living, thank you so very much for helping me make my birthday wish come true! I celebrate and thank God for each one of you!